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Israel and Palestine: A Panel in Search of History, Understanding, and Compassion

Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Time: 4:00 - 5:30 PM
Description: Many of us are feeling a mix of pain, sadness, fear, anger, helplessness, and confusion about the events that have been unfolding in Israel and Gaza. This panel of experts will address the long history that led to these events, the experiences and perspectives of the parties involved, and the applicable International law. They will also help us think about what we might expect over the coming months.

As the title suggests, the goal of this panel is to enhance understanding and foster compassion for everyone involved in this ongoing tragedy. It will not be about staking out positions or expressing condemnation. Please join us as we seek out common humanity during this difficult time.


Jonathan Cardi

John Knox

Robert Morrison, Director of the Middle Eastern Studies, Bowdoin

Michaelle Browers, Director or Middle East and South Asia Studies

Hank Kennedy, Professor of Politics and International Affairs
Location: Room 1312, Worrell
Contact: Jonathan Cardi