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Roundtable Discussion - The Silk Forest Plant Case

Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Time: 4:00 - 5:50 PM
Description: The Innocence & Justice Clinic is sponsoring a Roundtable Discussion on the Silk Plant Forest Case. Defendant, Kalvin Michael Smith, was convicted on questionable evidence, much of which has been recanted by witnesses. Darryl Hunt met Smith in prison and became convinced of his innocence.
A committee of citizens, which included Wake Forest Law Professor Miles Foy, concluded that there is no credible evidence to support that Smith was present at the crime scene. Our graduate, Chris Swecker ('81), a former assistant director of the FBI, and the Duke Innocence Clinic have been working on the case for many years. Roundtable participants will include: Duke Law Professor Jim Coleman; Guy Blynn, the chairman of the Silk Plant Forest Committee; Phoebe Zerwick and Les Gura, journalists who have written extensively about the case; retired WSPD Detective Chuck Byrom, who re-investigated the case for several years; Darryl Hunt; and others.
Location: Room 1109, Worrell
Contact: Mark Rabil