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International Wrongful Convictions Day Speaker Panel

Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Description: In observance of International Wrongful Conviction Day, the Society for Criminal Justice Reform and the Innocence and Justice Clinic are hosting a speaker panel with local criminal law attorneys and a former Clinic client, Mr. Kelvin Alexander. Centered on the topic of Alford pleas -- a mechanism by which a criminal defendant can plead guilty while still maintaining their innocence -- we'll learn about the benefits, drawbacks, and potential of these pleas to perpetuate injustices in the criminal legal system. Mr. Alexander will also share his personal experience taking an Alford plea and how it has affected the post-conviction relief he's been able to obtain. Lunch will be provided.
Location: Room 1312, Worrell
Contact: Jasmine Orsini