PILO Auction
Date: | Friday, February 17, 2023 |
Time: | 5:00 - 8:30 PM |
Description: |
Join WFU Law's Public Interest Law Organization for our biggest annual fundraiser of the year, the PILO Auction! Check in begins at 5PM and auction bidding begins at 6PM. Tickets are $10 and allow you to bid on our amazing auction items. Auction items in the past have included weekend stays at vacation homes, year-long passes to martial arts classes, murder mystery nights with the criminal law professors, and many more! The PILO Auction is the primary way that PILO raises funds for our summer grant program, which provides funding for law students taking unpaid internships that benefit their communities like legal aid organizations, public defenders, and civil rights nonprofits. The auction is open to students, alumni, and community members so bring your friends for a great night of live music and fun! If you have questions or would like to donate an item to the auction, please contact PILO Director Amanda Spriggs |
Location: | Joymongers |
Contact: |
Amanda Spriggs Reid spriay19@wfu.edu |