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THE EXONERATION OF ALFRED DEWAYNE BROWN: A Virtual Conversation with Exoneree Dewayne Brown and Brian Stolarz

Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Description: Join us for a conversation with Brian Stolarz and Alfred Dewayne Brown about the legal battle to exonerate Mr. Brown. Brian Stolarz was the habeas corpus attorney for Alfred Dewayne Brown, the 13th Exoneree from Texas' death row and the 154th death row Exoneree nationally. Mr. Brown's case is featured in Episode 8 of The Innocence Files on Netflix, which premiered in the Top 10.

This event is sponsored by: WFU Law Criminal Justice Program, WFU Prosecutor Accountability Project, the Innocence and Justice Project and Office of the Provost. Please register below if you plan to attend.
Location: Online
Contact: Kami Chavis