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Summer Practice Series: Contemplative Practices

Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020
Time: 12:00 - 2:00 PM
Description: Join Professor Mark Rabil for the Wake Forest Summer Practice Series class, "Contemplative Practices."

How can lawyers maintain perspective and react appropriately to ever-changing and often demanding client needs, especially in the roiling torrent of social unrest in the midst of a modern plague? How can mindfulness help attorneys see and react to such issues as our own implicit biases or institutional racism? Join Professor Mark Rabil to discuss and learn how to practice centuries-old methods of mindfulness, meditation, and resilience — practices now being verified by neuroscience.

The Summer Practice Series offers online classes that are designed to grow the practical skillset of law students. These classes, which are free of charge to all Wake Forest Law students, are 2-4 hours long and taught by faculty and alumni.

Register for this Wake Forest Summer Practice Series class in Simplicity.
Location: Online
Contact: Jordan Lee