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Firearms 101 for Attorneys

Date: Monday, October 5, 2020
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Description: The Firearms Awareness Club is leading an introductory discussion covering a variety of firearm-related subjects, including firearm classification and function, ammunition types, forensic analysis, ballistical anomalies, some need-to-know gun laws, and firearm safety standards.

If you plan on practicing criminal law, working in estate planning, or getting involved in politics, possessing a working knowledge of firearms will greatly improve your ability to serve your clients and advocate for responsible, yet practical legislation. Aside from expanding your professional skills, understanding the basics of firearms will enable you to engage in informed conversations with others, and handle guns safely if you ever come into contact with them.

Please use your email address to register below for the meeting link. Please do not share the link on the internet or social media.
Location: Online
Contact: Parker Blazevich