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Lunch & Learn: Credit Suisse General Counsel Legal Associate Program

Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Description: Representatives of Credit Suisse, a leading global financial services provider, will present a Lunch-and-Learn information session regarding the company's General Counsel Associate Program. The Legal Associate Program is designed to provide in-depth exposure to the financial services industry through hands-on legal experience. Students with an interest in corporate career opportunities, and who also wish to learn more about career opportunities for lawyers in the compliance and risk management fields should attend.

Credit Suisse plans to conduct on-campus interviews at the law school on Oct.17, 2019. RSVP for the program and submit application to interview in Symplicity.
Location: Room 1102, Worrell
Contact: Alison Ashe-Card