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'Hey Sweetie:' A Roundtable Discussion on Sexism in the Legal Profession

Date: Monday, November 7, 2016
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Description: Wake Forest Law along with Law School Transparency (LST) has organized a program on sexism in the workplace There will be a presentation and then a roundtable featuring six participants including Wake Forest Law alumni and faculty. The program is co-sponsored by the Wake Forest University's Office of the Provost, the Wake Graduate Women in Business (WGWIB), the Pro Humanitate Institute, the Anna Julia Cooper Center and the Women's Center.
The co-producers of the project are Olympia Duhart, a law professor at Shepard Broad College of Law at Nova Southeastern University, and Kimber Russell, a consultant at BlueStar Data Solutions. Some of the presentation/discussion may be a part of a podcast that LST produces and makes available on its website. Due to space constraints, this event is limited to Wake Forest faculty, staff and students.
Location: Room 3221, Worrell
Contact: Lawren Thach